Sunday, January 9, 2011


I think we all know who these ladies are and if you dont these are the LOVELY Ladies of the hit series BASKETBALL WIVES. Im going to be honest there was a point and time where I wanted to be married to someone famous just to have the glamorous life style. These ladies definately made me think twice about what type of life style I wanted being that these ladies pracitically have everything they want so they spend their times arguing about the petty things in life. these ladies have to deal with cheating, lying, and I really want this life style? at times I question myself and ask myself if this is what everyone goes through? can a relationship/marriage be sincere , real, and solid? I guess you cant knock it until you try it.....TO BE CONTINUED...


Yes we made another year I feel extremely blessed because I'm still alive Many people didn't make it this year . This year I have entered a SINGLE chick, no children, a dog, my fav car, and a great career path. I feel extremely blessed and cant wait to see what this year is going to bring. This year I decided to make a serious step and start blogging ...I always make these crazy fb statuses that cause EVERYONE to comment on them ...DEBATE'S...I love debates. With that said I decided to start blogging why not? the sky is the limit
Since were talking about new years check out what i did..I went to vegas with the fam and friends and had a great time..